Saturday, August 6, 2011

Looks like I'm Back!

I have just joined several other blogs so, since they are on blogspot as well, I will be adding to this site more often again, along with my wordpress site and my new ones.  Quite a job.  I think I will have to do one per day and at least once each week on each individual site or I will never know where I am at!  I just hope I can figure out how to do this since it has been so long since I have blogged on this site, and I am used to the other one now....... Oh well, I will learn!  I have been doing quite a lot of painting in the last few days and I have a new one that I have not yet posted on anything else yet.  I think later tonight I will try my luck at posting on Daily Painters of MN to see how that goes!  Wish me luck!!  Just thought I would post a picture of one of my recent paintings while I am here.  This is a tribute to my new Granddaughter since she and her mother had so many problems before and after birth!  I hope you like it.  It is a 12 x 16 watercolor  entitled In The Beginning.